1. “The Yuto School (魚肚學校)”
  School-based learning materials on maritime topics targeting F4 students in four HKDSE core subjects: Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, and Liberal Studies. It comprises teachers’ books with exercises for classroom use as well as student-oriented self-learning worksheets.

2. Dedicated website - For details, please visit the Hong Kong Maritime Museum website.
  Content-rich dedicated website for maritime learning, featured with 360° videos and photos, electronic version of the school-based learning materials and an online game that enhances knowledge of the harbor and the maritime industry.

3. “The Yuto Aquarium (香江金魚缸)”
  Augmented Reality (AR) system adopting interactive and multimedia presentation strategies which aims at arousing interests among students. The NAUTIC QUEST魚吐 maritime learning platform is brought to schools and communities with direct engagement through the Yuto Aquarium display during the roving exhibition.