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Extension of Support Measure under the Professional Training and Examination Refund Scheme (Maritime)25 March 2022

Enhanced measures for the Professional Training and Examination Refund Scheme (“the Scheme”) under the Maritime and Aviation Training Fund have taken effect on 1 September 2021. In response to the latest development of COVID-19 pandemic, the corresponding support measure for re-joining practitioners has been extended as follows -

Applications will be accepted from those who have left job from the maritime industry on or after 1 March 2020 and subsequently re-join the industry with full-time employment by 31 March 2023*.
*Extended applicability period

The above measure has no retrospective effect. It applies to applications submitted on or after 1 September 2021 only.

Each successful applicant will be refunded 80% of the fees, subject to a total cap of HK$30,000 per person, for the pre-approved courses / examinations. Applications must be made by individuals. Applications from company/organisation will not be accepted.

For details, please visit https://www.hkmpb.gov.hk/en/manpower/proters.html.